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Application procedure

Applicants from the University of Florence are selected at the end of the first semester of their first year in the Master in Economics in Development (curriculum in Development Economics) according to a public competition announcement. Necessary documents to apply will be specified in the public competition announcement, and will include a motivation letter and a curriculum vitae.

Call for mobility and application form for 2021/22


Admission requirements and selection criteria

Candidates for the Double Degree programme will be selected by their home institution according to selection criteria jointly defined and agreed upon by the University of Florence and the University of Göttingen.

The University of Florence and the University of Göttingen selection committees select students according to the following criteria.


Admission requirements:

-    3 year Bachelor programme (180 ECTS), of which at least 60 credits(ECTS) in economics/ mathematics/ statistics/ econometrics/ agricultural economics/economic geography/economic history plus at least 12 credits (ECTS) in mathematics/statistics/ econometrics.

-    Proficient English language knowledge C1 level of the Common European Framework (certification), if the native language of the applicant is not English


Selection criteria:

- Grade of the Bachelor programme

- Motivation letter

- Average grade of the mandatory courses of the first semester of the first year of the MSc in Economics and Development (curriculum in Development Economics).

If applicants have the same rank, then knowledge of German (certified) and the weighted average of the marks of the other exams of the first semester of the first year of the MSc are considered.





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